Green Policyholders
In the event of a natural disaster, Green insurance rebuilds a home/business to a certified green building standard. Using eco-friendly sustainable materials, energy/water efficient products, thereby reducing CO2 emissions. ie: LEED, Energy Star, Bream, etc. The green policyholder is the owner of the upgraded green insurance policy. Green policyholders receive 5-10% annual discounts on green insurance. A standard insurance policy does not cover documented green upgrades. With green building now in the mainstream, climate change now a national priority under the Biden administration. Green insurance is available from hundreds of insurance carriers. You can search the database here.
With the continued debate within both of the US political parties, regarding climate change the dichotomy has been clearly visible for the last 35 years. However one industry in particular is positioned to take action. With the consistent burning of fossil fuels to heat and cool our homes, emission of carbon, ozone and greenhouse gases,(CO2) scientific evidence is now in consensus, climate change is continuing to warm the planet year after year with 2024 being the warmest year on record. Warmer temperatures leads to melting polar ice caps, rising sea levels, resulting in 3-5% increased moisture in the atmosphere, resulting in higher storm surges. Insurance companies have a vested financial interest and have paid out over 300 billion dollars in 2017 for climate change related claim losses, Twice the amount of 2016 which had 188 billion in claim losses. In 2020 global insurance losses exceeded 83 billion dollars. Over 60 billion in the United States. Over 200k people worldwide were displaced in 2020.
Climate change is now drastically effecting the nationwide insurance market. With over 20 billion dollar claim events over the last 5 years. With a collective cost over 700 billion dollars and now approaching one trillion dollars in claims. With the cost of homeowner insurance increasing 40 percent faster than inflation. The result is insurers are reducing coverage, limiting cap payouts, increasing deductibles for homeowners with shrinking coverage, premiums rise rapidly and exclusions increase.
As the cost of these secondary perils increase, floods, wildfires, hailstorms, tornados insurers are withdrawing coverage from states like Florida and California. With total claim costs exceeding 200 billion dollars. Leaving the mortgaged homeowner available with the insurer of last resort. The state sponsored insurance. Citizens Property Insurance (CPI) is Florida’s largest state insurer with 60% premium increases. These facts have led to 12% of the nations housing not having insurance, These homes are owned free and clear as all mortgage underwriters require insurance to secure their mortgage.
With New York, Washington state, and Californian ab-32 law in full effect insurance companies are now required by law to disclose their exposure to climate risks. In May 2016 President Obama, stated the impact risk of climate change, rising shorelines, extreme heat and hurricanes pose significant risks to health and safety of residents. Resiliency will become incorporated into building codes in the department of housing and urban development(HUD). The government outlined a strategy that will align stakeholder departments GSA, FEMA, The army corps of engineers, EPA, USDA, Homeland security, NOAA, Dot and National Institute of Building sciences(NIBS). The United States resiliency council (USRC) will provide earthquake and hazard ratings that effect buildings.
In the private sector GBI, USGBC, ULI, American institute of architects (AIA), Alliance to save energy, general contractors of America, ASHRAE, and many others. All designed to combat the rising risk of climate change and its divesting effects. Tangible results are starting to emerge. Examples would be the fortified homes program. The dryline a 3 billion dollar resiliency project in Manhattan and the Boston resiliency plan.
Secondary perils are smaller events following a primary event. Hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, drought and sea level rise. Secondary perils are not modeled (accounted for) in reinsurance underwriting. Sixty percent (60%) of 2020 insurance catastrophic losses were caused by secondary perils. As secondary perils are modeled and priced into reinsurance all insurance premiums across the nation are continuing to escalate annually.
With insurance companies worldwide now starting to report to investors and regulators how insurance companies are mitigating their climate risk. Lloyd’s of London is reporting to all insurance companies that climate change is now the number one risk in the future effecting: insurance underwriting, and risk management models. Which in turn will effect monthly insurance premiums. Strategic alliances are now in full collaboration mode worldwide! Insurance companies have changed their statistical modeling from using historical data to incorporate forward looking scientific data to predict future climate change events. Such as: hurricanes, floods, wildfires, droughts, rising sea levels , earthquakes, and disruption of the worlds food supply chain. However Insurance companies are still behind the eight ball as they cannot predict climate change events which are now occurring more frequently.
Insurance is all about risk assessment and financial accumulation and is the world’s largest industry with annual premiums between 4 and 5 trillion dollars accounting for over 7 percent of the global economy, a portfolio of 30 trillion dollars of assets under management. Over 125 worldwide insurance firms, from over 25 countries are actively participating in climate change research and developing climate change services and products. However it is interesting to note that insurance companies are not politically active lobbying, on climate change, carbon tax issues, or greenhouse gas emission requirements. With climate change now identified as the number one underwriting risk, insurers are paying out larger claims from complex weather related events and increasing secondary perils claim losses. Increasing losses from all types of property damage, wildfires, global supply lines, and business disruptions. Mounting claim losses in turn create rising consumer premiums and effect insurance affordability, and insurance coverage.
For the last 35 years all insurance companies have done little to combat climate change. They did not lobby the government. Help coordinate resilient infrastructure, Zero innovation for home owners insurance products. It was the real estate listing companies that researched and developed climate scores. A numerical rating displayed on their listing websites showing climate risks. Wildfires, hurricanes, extreme heat, flooding and poor air quality. Informing homebuyers of the climate risk prior to purchasing a home. Insurance is not factored into green mortgage underwriting guidelines. Every single insurance company nationwide did absolutely nothing for the last 4 decades(40 years), Insurance companies are the problem.
One prime example is the cost of flood insurance on coastal real estate. As sea levels rise, from melting polar ice caps directly due from climate change effects, waterfront property values fall. Flood insurance premiums are rapidly rising in Norfolk VA, Atlantic City, and St. Petersburg Florida. This has effected the value and marketability of homes which require flood insurance now costing $7,000 annually per property! Rising sea water and sinking coastal land effects exactly which properties are determined to be located in the national flood zone. These flood zones are nationally documented by FEMA maps. However current FEMA maps document past flooding, and do not predict where future flooding will occur. As a direct result from rising sea waters,
Federal policymakers have now redrawn national flood boundaries.(FEMA) This in turn will require more home owners to pay for the rising cost of flood insurance. As individual insurance companies leave the market, the price of flood insurance is now too exorbitant for homeowners. Therefore flood insurance now incorporates subsidized premiums by state agencies who now rely on the National Flood Insurance program. Currently masking the risk and current real price of monthly home ownership. As this issue slowly emerges, there will be an adverse effect on mortgage financing. With government lenders loaning less money and homeowners required higher down payments(40%). Lower loan to value underwriting guidelines. FHFA, Fannie, Freddie, Hud, and VA all GSE underwriters have zero climate underwiring guidelines for the traditional 30 year mortgage. A complete failure by FHFA for the last 30 years. As we are now in the accountability period. Who failed their responsibility and will eventually coerce the taxpayer to pay for there misguided steps over the last 4 decades.
This results in a quagmire for home buyers, as mandatory disclosure of past flooding, the current and future cost of flood insurance is not required by law. Preliminary studies indicate sea level could rise by 1.4 to 1.8 feet by 2050. This is the time frame of a traditional 30 year mortgage. Eventually mortgage financing will collapse as homes are now being devalued by 90% due to coastal erosion as expensive residential homes are now falling into the ocean.
This FHFA and Insurance underwriting negligence and failure of Federal guidelines will Force the taxpayer to once again bail out Fannie and Freddie due to the of all insurance companies lackadaisical research, marketing, and lobbying to update their climate risks to green underwriting policies. As insurance companies continue to invest their trillions of dollars, raise insurance rates unabated and withdraw insurance coverage. The taxpayer is now unwillingly subsidizing the trillion dollar insurance industry.
What has now occurred in the market is rapidly rising home owner insurance premiums. More than 30% from 2020 to 2023. With California, Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas the five highest states Home owner insurance average 2,400 annually with Florida averaging over 11,000 annually. In many markets Insurance is simply not available. All insurers have left the market. Vacating insurance companies now have created “insurance deserts”. Geographical areas that no insurance company will issue a policy. Once again the insurance companies are the problem.
In California and Florida insurance is state funded that is available. As previously stated all insurance companies have failed the home owner. Insurance is a perquisite for obtaining a mortgage and the annual premiums are not factored into mortgage underwriting. Another cost falling on the backs of homeowners due to the negligence of all insurance companies nationwide. In December 2020 The federal Reserve has joined Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS). In January 2021, the Biden administration has made climate change a national priority striving for 2050 US net zero status. However these polices will soon be reversed by president Trump. As previously stated the United states has no climate policy for the last 50 years under the last 8 presidents.
The search for coastal real estate located on higher ground has started to slowly emerge on both coasts. As waterfront property is now slowly loosing its value! There is now initial deflation on water front properties with a documented seven percent (7%) decrease in appraised value. In central Miami Florida and “little Haiti” developers are now incorporating sea level rise, aka climate risk in their future development real estate modeling. Purchasing coastal properties on “higher ground” is slowly becoming a fundamental prerequisite. This has led to climate gentrification slowly displacing lower income immigrants to purchase their low income properties resulting in climate refugees. These transitional properties are being purchased simply because of their higher coastal elevation. Developers will scrape these low income shanties and this will become the new future waterfront coastline. Climate change is driving this pricing gap to become more visible between riskier homes and safer homes by knowledgeable sophisticated investors.
The same process is occurring on the west coast. Malibu beachfront living is slowly loosing its luster. As the ocean front sand slowly dissolves into the pacific ocean, due to rising global temperatures. Celebrities like Lady gaga and Brad Pitt are purchasing California real estate located on higher ground. Still able to have ocean views, although situated on higher elevation real estate.
As these lower elevation properties sink into to ocean and a new coastal shoreline is developed savvy climate wise real estate investment trusts (REIT ESG) will develop new waterfront communities. However, using predictive modeling, clever site manipulation, space planning, using onsite fill to raise the construction elevation grade, constructing sea barrier walls to a higher datum point will create synergies between sustainability and resiliency. Additional resilient features will include: roof mounted generators, protected electrical equipment above the 500 year flood plain, main entrances facing away from the ocean, and incorporating wet flood proofing techniques. Incorporating and documenting these climate resilient strategies (flooding, wind storm ocean rise) will actually reduce insurance premiums as resiliency has now been constructed and incorporated into the new coast line community!
In the near future, when climate change modeling an ancillary extension of green underwriting will become mandatory into real estate purchasing and selling decisions, greenbrokers and their commercial counterpart sustainable brokers will become indispensable allies. Their expanded specialized green knowledge will be a sought after commodity as million dollar real estate decisions are being pondered by future sustainable homeowners and commercial Reit esg trusts.
New Jersey and Massachusetts lawmakers are attempting to impose new disclosure rules on real estate agents, requiring them by law to disclose all climate relate damage to properties. New York law now requires all sellers and their agents to disclosure all material property defects ….including if the subject property is located in a designated flood zone.
Climate change effects are now becoming readily visible by nuisance flooding. As rising sea water spills over roads, large rulers along the side of roads in Norfolk VA. inform drivers if the water is too deep to drive through. Rising sea water kills lawns, floods basements, salt water deteriorates pavement, and overwhelms city storm drain systems As a result of rising sea water green infrastructure improvements are now being implemented by numerous coastal governments.
Florida has lost over 5 billion dollars in home value from 2005 to 2017. From 2018 to 2020 high risk areas dropped another 10%. With another 20% drop in value, 10 billion dollars by 2030 due to sea level rise aka climate change. With the increase dropped in property values, municipal bond defaults are a realistic possibility. Therefore In Miami Beach, Florida a 400-500 million dollar initial phase resiliency project, physically raising 30% of all beach roads, installing 3 million dollar pump stations that can remove 7K gallons of nuisance flooding sea water per minute back into the ocean, heightening existing sea walls, and creating urban green space. These first phase resiliency infrastructure improvements are financed by raising residential/commercial monthly storm water rates eighty four percent (84%) to underwrite climate change green securities. This is only a temporary fix, as billions of dollars more will be required in the future to financially cope with climate change sea level rise. With sea level rise now quantifiable homeowner insurance rates under FEMA 2.0 are rising 30% annually. A $700.00 2021 annual increase added to your mortgage premium escalating annually thereafter.
Aviva insurance now uses topographical data, spatial sciences, and flood plain data, to assess future flood risks for coastal real estate. Offering coastal properties differential (preferred) pricing for homes located on top of hills vs homes at lower elevations. Insurance companies are offering premium discounts for installing resiliency measures, such as hurricane resistant doors, USAA insurance offers discounts for fire safety certification of homes. Additional technologies are available. Virtual home inspections, fire safety upgrades, resiliency upgraded code construction,
Green certified homes help mitigate hurricanes and provide resiliency upgraded structures. Babcock Ranch located in Florida constructed to the Florida bronze green building code (FGBC) has resilient high performance windows, climate homes able to withstand up to 150 mph winds. These climate homes are constructed inland 30 feet above sea level minimizing storm surges. With all power lines buried beneath the homes protecting them from high wind damage mitigating power outages.
Additional features include energy efficiency, efficient heating and cooling, Energy Star appliances, fiber optic cable and solar panels. These climate homes incorporate innovation, sustainability, and resiliency. These climate homes are eligible for lower interest rate higher L/v GSE green mortgages.
Babcock Ranch is 18,000 aces 28 square miles. With homes starting around 300k and up to 4 million dollars. A standing testament that the NAHB has mislead home buyers that certified green building costs more. You do not see any white papers, Federal research studies, NAHB research center analysis, FHFA market analysis how this green certified community positively effects homebuyers, mitigates sea level rise, efficiently constructed resilient community that combats climate change lowering homeowners insurance premiums.
FHFA, State insurance regulators, NAHB are negligent adversely effecting homeowners. These green certified climate homes are fully eligible for lower green insurance premiums, for all green policyholders. Where are the facts on this green community with climate change costing billions of dollars annually? The green communities portal connects all the green verticals highlighting and documenting these facts. As every single Federal, state, and private industry has failed for the last 30 years. Constructing traditional conventional “brown” Co2 emitting homes that cost more, consume more energy water and contribute to climate change
Green Re Insurance companies are adapting by developing alternative ways to transfer risk. This is accomplished by using newly developed alternative risk transfer financial instruments.(ART) ART is designed to attract new risk capitol, diversify and expand individual insurance companies to remain solvent in the event of cascading catastrophe claim losses. These specialize reinsurance securities include catastrophe bonds, resiliency bonds, weather derivatives and ESG insurance linked securities(ESGILS) all designed to mitigate climate change claim losses. North America pays the majority of global insured economic losses. Europe is a distant second. Currently under development in the green reinsurance market, there is insurance linked securities incorporating, environmental, social governance underwriting(ESGILS.COM). This new insurance financial tool will be implemented to transfer climate change risk to sophisticated institutional investors.
As governments, public entities and corporations seek to effectively manage and transfer climate risk, a new hybrid of catastrophe bond will enter the market. The green cat bond will be introduced to transfer risk, and provide infrastructure resilience financing in the event of large catastrophe claims. With the high level of reinsurance losses, now over 100 billion dollars, the green cat bond will expand the alternative capitol universe and introduce new investors into the green reinsurance industry. The “green label” will enhance an institutional reinsurance issuers sustainable reputation. Specifically Gen Z and Millennials research and purchase more green certified goods and services.
A recent report by the US Forest service found that selling home prices dropped by 10% after a single close by wild fire and 23% after a second nearby brush fire. Greenbrokers are experts in assisting new home purchasers identifying global warming zones susceptible to wildfires. As wildfire climate risk is an unidentified lurking liability for homebuyers.
With the 2016 Earth day signing of the United Nations Paris agreement, public disclosure is now required from Countries and Insurance companies. A new task force led by Michael Bloomberg was formed to guide companies to disclose their climate related financial risks as we move towards a low carbon world. Specifically Insurance companies will be required to publically quantify their climate risk.
On January 25, 2016 California state insurance commissioner Dave Jones was the first insurance commissioner to ask 1,300 Insurance companies operating in California to divest their coal investments. Additional requirements include disclosure of all carbon based investments including oil and gas. United States insurance companies are the second largest investors in fossil fuels of coal, oil and gas.
US Insurance companies have 500 billion dollars in fossil fuel equity investments. Seventy percent of publicly traded oil and gas companies have had a credit downgrade in 2014 and 2015. Insurance companies continue to finance and underwrite fossil fuels as climate change insurance costs are passed on to homeowners. Once again Insurance companies are the problem. In December 2020, 65 insurers with 12 trillion combined investments have adopted and implemented a divestment policy for coal. Forty percent(40%) of the industry total assets.
With the 2025 reelection of president Trump. The US will withdraw from the Paris agreement. Additional climate change programs wind energy and green subsides will be retracted or withdrawn. Trump will put the US taxpayer in the priority position before any other foreign aid is disbursed under the second Trump regime.
There is green policyholder insurance for residential and commercial properties, schools, manufacturing, utilities, alternative energy an ever expanding array of energy efficient green policyholder insurance products/services available to all types of industries. As these sustainable green neighborhoods are certified by a third party green appraiser, financed by a green mortgage, marketed by a green broker and scrutinized by green securities, green policy holder insurance has now become an affordable green underwriting endorsement as every mortgage requires insurance coverage. Homeowners can now combine a green certified home financed using a lower interest rate green mortgage and compliment the array with a below market cost green policyholder insurance. A true green trifecta.
Few homeowners even realize that a green policy insurance is available to adequately insure their sustainable real estate. In the event of a loss and an insurance claim is filed the sustainable homeowner wants to have piece of mind that his green certified home will be reconstructed back to, or above, its original green certification level status. Using approved green certified building materials/ supplies, knowledgeable green contractors with competent green verifiers, architects, engineers, and inspectors over seeing the entire reconstruction process, recertifying the structure to, or above, its original green certification. One of these new insurance products, specifically modeled for sustainable home owners and designed to protect their investment. Is the green policyholder endorsement. As the green communities market expands exponentially nationwide green insurance is one of the Eco friendly products/services that can shape the rapidly expanding certified green neighborhoods nationwide. With green construction moving from the fringe and now becoming mainstream fireman’s fund was the first nationwide insurance carrier to offer the green policy holder endorsement. Now with over 200 million in annual green insurance premiums.
Fireman’s fund has recently tracked its losses. Data has indicated that green certified buildings are significantly more profitable than traditional conventional “brown” buildings. With green certified buildings presenting less risk to green underwriters. Green buildings present an increased value proposition to home owners and commercial management. Lower green policyholder premiums, higher energy efficiency, lower cost financing, and help mitigate climate change effects. In 2023 a market survey was implemented since its inception in 2014, currently there still are no green policy insurance programs on the market that is broader than Fireman’s fund, with most policies offering a more narrow insurance coverage.
As every other worldwide insurance company has failed to actively promote their green policyholders insurance and expanding economic benefits. In the event insurance companies would promote green buildings their increased economic value proposition, reduction in risk factors, and environmental value decreased Co2 emissions, It would have a significant impact in the housing market.
Fireman’s Fund currently offers a green risk management and loss control advice for helping their customers, specifically catering to larger commercial customers. One aspect of concern is solar panels on large commercial buildings. Hail destroying solar panels is a problem, so is the problem of high wind, increased thunderstorms destruction. Green risk management has indicated mounting brackets need to be fortified.
The green insurance market has now expanded with dozens of additional insurance carriers now actively involved in the green insurance policy holder market. Green policyholder endorsements include: building a sustainable structure from the ground up, upgrading green sustainable renovations, and rebuilding the sustainable property back to the original or upgraded green certification recognized standard in the event of a filed claim loss. Green policyholder endorsements can now include: Green roofs, specific green upgrades, solar panels. energy/water efficient upgrades, green building materials and specific green certifications/ratings. Sustainable homeowners can now get a quote for green policyholder insurance from: Travelers, Farmers, Amfam and Allstate.
Commercial green policies can include: loss of income clause, restore indoor air quality to its original standards, restore vegetable or green roofs, surplus lines or separate endorsements can pay for upgraded green features, pay for green recertification which may include federal and local government tax incentives. Loss of income clause covers any income loss the green policyholder has sustained from a power outage or covered peril generating their own power from wind, geothermal, or solar energy. This includes expenses from purchasing electricity from another source, And all fees charged by the local utility for reconnection and inspections.
Water management conservation is now a valuable resource and becoming publicly accepted. Commercial and residential green policyholders can purchase a grey water endorsement added to their green insurance policy. In the event of a municipal water disruption, filed peril claim damage resulting to a grey water recycling system. The grey water system can now be replaced back to its original certification state.
As green construction is constantly evolving green policyholder endorsements are constantly changing to adapt to green construction techniques. Other green incentives include green insurance premium discounts for certified green homes, as these sustainable homes present fewer property risks. The number one cause of insurance property loss is building electrical fires, followed by plumbing leaks, building envelope defects, and HVAC problems. Certified green features reduces these insurance claims.
Many green policyholders also own hybrid vehicles, emerging research indicates it costs more to repair a hybrid vehicle, and these vehicles are more apt to get into an accident with a pedestrian or bicyclist due to their quite operating nature. Green policyholders endorsements can include: EV batteries, electric cars, hybrids, green incentives, EV charging stations in garages, with selected coverage limits and deductibles. Green policyholders can now bundle their residential green policyholder insurance, with green car insurance for their hybrid vehicles.
Other options include: car pooling, carbon offset programs pay as you drive (PAYD) these insurance policies include a telematics device plugged into your OBD port. Insurance companies, monitor how far you drive, erratic braking and CO2 car emissions. Drivers are rewarded for reduced driving. Green policyholders discounts are variable and can range up to 40%! As the green brand expands, becomes standardized and is monetized in each market vertical segment more and more industries are recognizing that sustainability is the wave of the future, demanded by educated individuals as conventional thinking becomes obsolete and looses value in the marketplace and in financial markets.
Green policyholders product lines can also include covering home based EV charging stations in event of a power outage or a filed claim. This includes providing a dedicated EV wiring circuit for the electric vehicle charging station, instillation by a licensed electrical contractor including all permits. Home EV charging stations are offered in two levels. Level one is a three prong 120 electric outlet which charges your electric vehicle in 8-12 hrs. level two uses 240 volts and charges your electric vehicle in 4-6 hours.
New developments now include: Nissan Motors offering an add-on solar panel for their Leaf cars, extending the driving range before a recharging is required. Panasonic now offers 180 watt solar cells than can now be installed on compatible car roofs.
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